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    ListGridField with TextAreaItem as editor ignores DS length validation

    I have a grid, linked to a datasource. One of the fields is a ListGridField but with the editor properties set to a TextAreaItem. The field in the ds.xml file has a length of 1000.

    At first everything works perfectly (on Tomcat 7). I can paste text into the TextAreaItem and it correctly validates according to this length. After a couple of days the validation stops working and it incorrectly sets the length to 60. If I copy any text into the TextAreaItem I get a validation error (in red text):

    Must be no more than 60 characters

    On Google Chrome it actually shows:

    Must be no more than 60 characters
    Must be no more than 1000 characters

    I basically need to redeploy the app, than it works fine again. Somewhere the validation length of a 1000 gets lost or overridden. Once I get the error I have no option but to redeploy. I have used Admin Console, Developer Console on both browsers and tried so many things. It just keeps coming back after a few days.

    Smartgwt Version:
    SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2014-12-21/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2014-12-21)

    Chrome: Version 32.0.1700.107
    FF: 26.0

    Server Side Problem
    No server-side problem as it does not get past validation, so no request is sent to the server

    Stack Trace:

    09:41:13.112:MDN6:INFO:EventHandler:Target Canvas for event 'mousedown': [ImgTab ID:isc_Tab_35]
    09:41:13.222:MUP0:INFO:EventHandler:Target Canvas for event 'mouseup': [ImgTab ID:isc_Tab_35]
    09:41:13.322:MUP0:INFO:ResultSet:isc_CrudListGrid_17:Creating new isc.ResultSet for operation 'DxMemo_fetch' with filterValues: {
    09:41:13.323:MUP0:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_58 (dataSource: DxMemo, created by: isc_CrudListGrid_17):setCriteria: filter criteria changed, invalidating cache
    09:41:13.323:MUP0:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_58 (dataSource: DxMemo, created by: isc_CrudListGrid_17):Invalidating cache
    09:41:13.324:MUP0:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_58 (dataSource: DxMemo, created by: isc_CrudListGrid_17):getRange(0, 1) will fetch from 0 to 75
    09:41:13.325:MUP0:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_58 (dataSource: DxMemo, created by: isc_CrudListGrid_17):fetching rows 0,75 from server
    09:41:13.345:MUP0:INFO:RPCManager:sendQueue[203]: 1 RPCRequest(s); transport: xmlHttpRequest; target:
    09:41:13.446:MUP0[E1]:INFO:RPCManager:sendQueue[204]: 1 RPCRequest(s); transport: xmlHttpRequest; target:
    09:41:13.584:XRP4:INFO:RPCManager:transaction 203 arrived after 229ms
    09:41:13.589:XRP4:INFO:RPCManager:rpcResponse(DxMemo_fetch)[fetch]: result: 1 records[status=0]
    09:41:13.590:XRP4:INFO:xmlBinding:DxMemo:dsResponse is: {operationId: "DxMemo_fetch",
    clientContext: undef,
    internalClientContext: Obj,
    context: Obj,
    transactionNum: 203,
    httpResponseCode: 200,
    httpResponseText: "//isc_RPCResponseStart-->[{affectedRows:..."[416],
    xmlHttpRequest: [object XMLHttpRequest],
    transport: "xmlHttpRequest",
    status: 0,
    clientOnly: undef,
    httpHeaders: Obj,
    isStructured: true,
    callbackArgs: null,
    results: Obj,
    affectedRows: 0,
    data: Array[1],
    endRow: 1,
    invalidateCache: false,
    isDSResponse: true,
    operationType: "fetch",
    queueStatus: 0,
    serverTime: Date(02/19/2015),
    startRow: 0,
    totalRows: 1}
    09:41:13.591:XRP4:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_58 (dataSource: DxMemo, created by: isc_CrudListGrid_17):Received 1 records from server
    09:41:13.591:XRP4:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_58 (dataSource: DxMemo, created by: isc_CrudListGrid_17):Fetch request returned range 0,1 differs from requested range 0,75. Assuming client/server batch size mismatch and clearing loading markers greater than 1
    09:41:13.591:XRP4:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_58 (dataSource: DxMemo, created by: isc_CrudListGrid_17):cached 1 rows, from 0 to 1 (1 total rows, 1 cached)
    09:41:13.592:XRP4:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_58 (dataSource: DxMemo, created by: isc_CrudListGrid_17):Cache for current criteria complete
    09:41:13.642:XRP6:INFO:RPCManager:transaction 204 arrived after 189ms
    09:41:13.646:XRP6:INFO:RPCManager:rpcResponse(custom)[rpc]: result: 1 records[status=0]
    09:41:13.647:XRP6:INFO:xmlBinding:DxItinerary:dsResponse is: {operationId: "custom",
    clientContext: undef,
    internalClientContext: Obj,
    context: Obj,
    transactionNum: 204,
    httpResponseCode: 200,
    httpResponseText: "//isc_RPCResponseStart-->[{affectedRows:..."[431],
    xmlHttpRequest: [object XMLHttpRequest],
    transport: "xmlHttpRequest",
    status: 0,
    clientOnly: undef,
    httpHeaders: Obj,
    isStructured: true,
    callbackArgs: null,
    results: Obj,
    affectedRows: 0,
    data: Array[1],
    endRow: 1,
    invalidateCache: false,
    isDSResponse: true,
    operationType: "fetch",
    queueStatus: 0,
    serverTime: Date(02/19/2015),
    startRow: 0,
    totalRows: 1}
    09:41:13.649:XRP6:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_59 (dataSource: DxItinerary, created by: undefined):creating auto-operation for operationType: fetch
    09:41:13.649:XRP6:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_59 (dataSource: DxItinerary, created by: undefined):setCriteria: filter criteria changed, invalidating cache
    09:41:13.649:XRP6:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_59 (dataSource: DxItinerary, created by: undefined):Invalidating cache
    09:41:37.939:MDN5:INFO:EventHandler:Target Canvas for event 'mousedown': [ToolStripButton ID:isc_ToolStripButton_1]
    09:41:38.041:MUP0:INFO:EventHandler:Target Canvas for event 'mouseup': [ToolStripButton ID:isc_ToolStripButton_1]
    09:41:38.065:MUP0:INFO:gridEdit:isc_CrudListGrid_17:Starting editing at row 1, colNum 0
    09:41:38.076:MUP0:INFO:gridEdit:isc_CrudListGrid_17_body:redraw with editors showing, editForm.hasFocus: undefined
    09:41:38.740:MDN7:INFO:EventHandler:Target Canvas for event 'mousedown': [DynamicForm ID:isc_DynamicForm_11]
    09:41:38.866:MUP8:INFO:EventHandler:Target Canvas for event 'mouseup': [DynamicForm ID:isc_DynamicForm_11]
    09:41:38.875:MUP8:INFO:EventHandler:isc_DynamicForm_11:Bubbling handleClick event for isc_TextAreaItem_0
    09:41:38.876:MUP8:INFO:EventHandler:isc_DynamicForm_11:Bubbling handleCellClick event for isc_TextAreaItem_0
    09:41:39.112:KDN0:INFO:EventHandler:keyDown event with Canvas target: [TextAreaItem ID:isc_TextAreaItem_0 name:Memo], native target: [TEXTAREAElement]{name:Memo}
    09:41:39.218:INP1:INFO:RPCManager:sendQueue called with no current queue, ignoring
    09:41:41.084:MDN4:INFO:EventHandler:Target Canvas for event 'mousedown': [GridBody ID:isc_CrudListGrid_17_body]
    09:41:41.090:MDN4:INFO:gridEdit:isc_CrudListGrid_17:cellEditEnd: ending editing, completion event: click_outside
    09:41:41.093:MDN4:WARN:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_58 (dataSource: DxMemo, created by: isc_CrudListGrid_17):getRange(1, 2): start beyond end of rows, returning empty list
    09:41:41.097:MDN4:INFO:gridEdit:isc_CrudListGrid_17:validateFieldValue, newValue: "
    Now you have static variables and class variables (class variables only exists while you have an object of type horse, once you destroy the horse object, the variables dissapears with it). Static variables are created the first time you mention a Horse and does not dissapear if the object is destroyed. Lets say you have a static varable of type integer to count how many times the horse has eaten and a class variable doing the same:

    private int howManyTimesEaten;
    private static int staticHowManyTimesEaten;

    Every time you call the method both gets incremented by one:

    Horse horse = new Horse();; //howManyTimesEaten = 1, staticHowManyTimesEaten = 1; //howManyTimesEaten = 2, staticHowManyTimesEaten = 2
    horse = null;
    Horse donkey = new Horse();; //howManyTimesEaten = 1, staticHowManyTimesEaten = 3", passed validation: false, resultingValue: null
    09:41:41.098:MDN4:INFO:gridEdit:isc_CrudListGrid_17:validateFieldValue, newValue: undef, passed validation: true, resultingValue: null
    09:41:41.098:MDN4:INFO:gridEdit:isc_CrudListGrid_17:validateFieldValue, newValue: undef, passed validation: true, resultingValue: null
    09:41:41.099:MDN4:INFO:gridEdit:isc_CrudListGrid_17:validateFieldValue, newValue: undef, passed validation: true, resultingValue: null
    09:41:41.100:MDN4:INFO:gridEdit:isc_CrudListGrid_17:validateFieldValue, newValue: undef, passed validation: true, resultingValue: null
    09:41:41.101:MDN4:INFO:gridEdit:isc_CrudListGrid_17:validateFieldValue, newValue: undef, passed validation: true, resultingValue: null
    09:41:41.102:MDN4:INFO:gridEdit:isc_CrudListGrid_17:validateFieldValue, newValue: undef, passed validation: true, resultingValue: null
    09:41:41.103:MDN4:INFO:RPCManager:sendQueue called with no current queue, ignoring
    09:41:41.211:MUP2:INFO:EventHandler:Target Canvas for event 'mouseup': [GridBody ID:isc_CrudListGrid_17_body]

    Code Example:

    private void createMemoGrid(){
    		ListGridItineraryField IDITINERARY = new ListGridItineraryField(clientFactory, Integer.toString(IDRESERVATION), false);
    		if (itincount == 1){
    		} else {
    		ListGridTextAreaField Memo = new ListGridTextAreaField("Memo", clientFactory.getConstants().Memo());
    		ListGridField CheckInFlag = new ListGridField("CheckInFlag", clientFactory.getConstants().CheckIn());
    		ListGridField CheckOutFlag = new ListGridField("CheckInFlag", clientFactory.getConstants().CheckOut());
    		ListGridField AllocateFlag = new ListGridField("CheckInFlag", clientFactory.getConstants().Allocate());
    		ListGridField CancelFlag = new ListGridField("CheckInFlag", clientFactory.getConstants().Cancel());
    		ListGridField HistoryFlag = new ListGridField("CheckInFlag", clientFactory.getConstants().History());
    		ListGridField ChangeDT = new ListGridField("ChangeDT", clientFactory.getConstants().Change());
    		memoGrid = new CrudListGrid(clientFactory);
    		memoGrid.addRecordClickHandler(new RecordClickHandler() {
    			public void onRecordClick(RecordClickEvent event) {
    				if (!setIsReservationCancelled()){
    					if (event.getRecord() != null) {
    		memoGrid.setCriteria(new AdvancedCriteria(OperatorId.AND, new Criterion[] { new Criterion("IDGROUP", OperatorId.EQUALS, clientFactory.getUser().getGroupID()), new Criterion("IDEMPLOYEE", OperatorId.EQUALS, clientFactory.getUser().getID()) }));
    		if (clientFactory.isTablet()){

    public class ListGridTextAreaField extends ListGridField {
    	 * @param name
    	 * @param title
    	public ListGridTextAreaField(String name, String title) {
    		super(name, title);
    		TextAreaItem crud = new TextAreaItem();
    My datasource:

    generatedBy="v8.2p_2012-09-17/EVAL Deployment 2012-09-17"
    <field primaryKey="true" name="IDMEMO" type="sequence" hidden="true"></field>
    <field name="IDGROUP" type="integer" required="true" hidden="true"></field>
    <field name="IDRESERVATION" type="integer" required="true" title="Reservation"></field>

    <field name="IDITINERARY" type="integer" foreignKey="DxItinerary.IDITINERARY" hidden="true" required="false"></field>

    <field name="Memo" length="1000" type="text" required="true"></field>
    <field name="CheckInFlag" type="boolean"></field>
    <field name="CheckOutFlag" type="boolean"></field>
    <field name="AllocateFlag" type="boolean"></field>
    <field name="CancelFlag" type="boolean"></field>
    <field name="HistoryFlag" type="boolean"></field>
    <field name="CreateDT" type="datetime" customInsertExpression="GETDATE()" hidden="true"></field>
    <field name="CreateIDEMPLOYEE" type="integer" hidden="true"></field>
    <field name="ChangeDT" type="datetime" canEdit="false" customUpdateExpression="GETDATE()" hidden="true"></field>
    <field name="ChangeIDEMPLOYEE" type="integer" hidden="true"></field>
    Last edited by fanie1980; 19 Feb 2015, 00:18. Reason: More information

    Hi fanie1980,

    just as suggestion: Did you empty the cache? For me on my Tomcat-only dev system I have problems with cached DS-definitions.
    Of course this does not explain what you are seeing (errors after an amount of time), but generally speaking something seems weird or mixed up here.

    Regarding your .ds.xml:
    Did you see FieldType.MODIFIERTIMESTAMP and FieldType.CREATORTIMESTAMP? Might be of use for you.

    Best regards,


      Originally posted by Blama View Post
      Hi fanie1980,

      just as suggestion: Did you empty the cache? For me on my Tomcat-only dev system I have problems with cached DS-definitions.
      Of course this does not explain what you are seeing (errors after an amount of time), but generally speaking something seems weird or mixed up here.

      Regarding your .ds.xml:
      Did you see FieldType.MODIFIERTIMESTAMP and FieldType.CREATORTIMESTAMP? Might be of use for you.

      Best regards,
      Thank you Blama,

      Am I correct in saying that the FieldType.CREATORTIMESTAMP and FieldType.MODIFIERTIMESTAMP will show me when ds.xml files were created and changed, thus allowing me to compare whether or not Tomcat is using a cached file. Is that what you use it for?

      In addition to my previous post I have also found that this only happens on one tomcat instance. We run two instances with Load Balancing. The busiest instance seems to be the first to cause the validation to fail.

      If I view the datasources being downloaded I can clearly see the field showing a length of a 1000, but I am still restricted to only 60 characters on the client validation.

      Please guys, need some help.


        Hi fanie1980,

        FieldType.CREATORTIMESTAMP and FieldType.MODIFIERTIMESTAMP are unrelated to your problem and just a more declarative solution to your "customUpdateExpression="GETDATE()"".

        Regarding the bug I can't help. Is for sure the same war deployed on both instances?

        I find it very confusing that you get both
        - Must be no more than 60 characters
        - Must be no more than 1000 characters
        validation errors. This really seems wrong. But again, I can't help.

        Best regards,


          Yes the same war is deployed to both instances.

          We have now narrowed it down to the following:
          In tomcat, LENGTH validation fails on ALL TextItems (TextItems, TextAreaItems, RichTextItems) after a couple of days.

          For some reason all the length fields defined in the datasource fields are ignored and replaced by a default length validator of 60.

          The only way we have been able to force the correct length to be used is to remove the length attribute from the datasource field (Memo, below).

          	generatedBy="v8.2p_2012-09-17/EVAL Deployment 2012-09-17"
          		<field primaryKey="true" name="IDMEMO" type="sequence" hidden="true"></field>
          		<field name="IDGROUP" type="integer" required="true" hidden="true"></field>
          		<field name="IDRESERVATION" type="integer" required="true" title="Reservation"></field>
          		<field name="IDITINERARY" type="integer" foreignKey="DxItinerary.IDITINERARY" hidden="true" required="false"></field>
          		<field name="Memo" type="text" required="true"></field>
          		<field name="CheckInFlag" type="boolean"></field>
          		<field name="CheckOutFlag" type="boolean"></field>
          		<field name="AllocateFlag" type="boolean"></field>
          		<field name="CancelFlag" type="boolean"></field>
          		<field name="HistoryFlag" type="boolean"></field>
          		<field name="CreateDT" type="datetime" customInsertExpression="GETDATE()" hidden="true"></field>
          		<field name="CreateIDEMPLOYEE" type="integer" hidden="true"></field>
          		<field name="ChangeDT" type="datetime" canEdit="false" customUpdateExpression="GETDATE()" hidden="true"></field>
          		<field name="ChangeIDEMPLOYEE" type="integer" hidden="true"></field>
          And to then define an implicit Length Range Validator (

          Please can Isomorphic help, at this stage none of our TextItems are using the validation as determined by the datasource ds.xml


            It is now 3 days since last post and validation has stopped working again. All TextItem validation within my application has stopped working and defaulted to length 60.

            At this stage smartgwt is unstable and cannot be used further. Maybe we should halt all development as the integrity of our application is compromised.

            Could this be caused by Tomcat and Apache Load balancing? Could it have something to do with Tomcat? I do not see how because validation is happening on the client side.


              We have never seen an issue like this, or had other reports of it, and it seems (very) unlikely to be a result of a framework bug, given how it's such a specific strange symptom which we have never seen elsewhere, and is intermittent / only occurs on one particular deployment that you're aware of.

              The validation failure would be coming from SmartGWT, its true. It sounds like perhaps you have some application code which is in some strange circumstances applying an additional validator to the field in question with the shorter length (60).

              Given that you have no way to reproduce the problem outside of one particular deployment, there's not much we can suggest. Perhaps there is some pattern of usage within the app which causes this bad state which would lead you to an idea of the cause.
              If you can show us a way to reliably reproduce the problem and believe it to be a framework bug rather than an issue with your application code, please feel free to post a test case.

              Isomorphic Software


                Length Validation in Tomcat

                The issue is very strange, after a few weeks we are no closer.

                It certainly seems like a deployment (in Tomcat) issue but we can now confirm that it does not happen in Smartgwt 3.0p. Only since we upgraded has this started.

                What we can see in Tomcat is that once the app is deployed it creates a copy in the temp folder (0-myapp), after a few days tomcat creates a second copy (1-myapp). Immediately after this happens the validation (only length validation on text fields) starts failing. We need to clear all the tomcat cache files and restart. And the process starts all over again.

                We have also noticed that it does not only happen to data bound components. Any field that does not comply to the length validator fails.

                We have also noticed that this happens on two very separate projects, both running the same version and two separate machines. So it is no longer an isolated issue.

                In Power 5.0 release notes you make mention of this:

                Modified behavior for fields with specified length attribute. We now automatically create and apply a lengthRange
                validator for fields with a specified length. This is enforced on the client and on the server
                (for server-backed dataSources).
                Previously we would always enforce the length limit within TextItem and TextAreaItem editors by refusing to allow
                the user to enter more characters than the specified length. This has now been made configurable via the new
                "enforceLength" attribute and has been disabled by default for TextAreaItems where it is typically confusing for us
                to limit entry of long strings.
                Also fixed a bug in how we limit the length of user-entered strings. Previously the user could put focus at the
                beginning of the value in a TextItem which had already reached the maximum allowable length, and type a character,
                and the new value would accept the typed character and drop characters from the end of the string to maintain the
                correct length limit. Now we simply reject the change in this scenario.
                We have tried this but it still does not work. Are you aware of any changes between these two release that could have caused this.

                We have now been forced to downgrade to 3.0p again


                  It sounds to us like Tomcat is doing some kind of partial shutdown and re-start of the deployed application, and at a wild guess, is reloading some SmartGWT framework classes while keeping others in memory.

                  Doing something like this would break any framework, and once this has happened, the server-side system is probably corrupted in many different ways, and this validation issue is just the most obvious.

                  So the first thing to do is try to find out what exactly Tomcat is doing when you see this second copy of the application files being made.


                    Tomcat Shutdown

                    Since your last post we can confirm that tomcat is not responsible for our app crashing or shutting down.

                    We have used JConsole, Java Vm and YourKit to monitor:
                    Memory and leaks

                    Everything seems to be in order. There are no errors in the tomcat log files and we have also managed to bypass the Tomcat Load Balancer. After a couple of days to hours the same thing happens.

                    We have been running the app for two years solidly with no issues, since we upgraded to Smartgwt 5 all of this started happening.

                    Please guys, we need some help


                      You said previously:

                      What we can see in Tomcat is that once the app is deployed it creates a copy in the temp folder (0-myapp), after a few days tomcat creates a second copy (1-myapp). Immediately after this happens the validation (only length validation on text fields) starts failing. We need to clear all the tomcat cache files and restart. And the process starts all over again.
                      So you previously narrowed this down to a weird behavior of Tomcat but now you are inexplicably dismissing Tomcat as a cause. Obviously,
                      SmartGWT isn't copying your app deployment around, and if clearing cache files generated by Tomcat fixes the issue, that's not something under SmartGWT's control.

                      We'd suggest you keep looking at Tomcat, and try to find out what it's doing when those files are being moved around. Obviously there *should* be logs for whatever is going on.

                      Posting in Tomcat forums also makes a lot more sense than posting here, since SmartGWT routinely apps run for months at a time without needing a restart.


                        For completeness, we should mention that if you are really stumped, you can purchase Consulting hours from us (there's no evidence of a framework issue, so purchasing Support would not apply).


                          This is still happening all over the place, Smartgwt has been so unstable and is affecting all our customers. This happens a few times a day and needs to be taken seriously.

                          Our other partner has also started having the exact same validation issues.

                          Please can you explain how the validation works. I see there is an OperationType of VALIDATION. As soon as the validation falls over than we are only able to get it back up by restarting the app.


                            We could not agree more than this should be taken seriously. That's why you should definitely follow up on the avenues of investigation we've already suggested.

                            As we've already explained:

                            1. you are the only user reporting an issue of this kind

                            2. there is no indication this is a SmartGWT bug; all available data point to a Tomcat deployment issue

                            3. we don't have enough information to even start to speculate about how to reproduce the problem on our end

                            If you continue to just periodically post here, providing no new information, and not following up on any of our suggested approaches, it's a certainty that the problem will never be solved.

